Do You Love The Law of Attraction?
Are You Ready to Create a Life
Filled With Freedom and Prosperity?
Would You Enjoy Helping Others
While Being Paid Abundantly to Do So?
Want to Join Our Community of Positive,
Supportive Women from Around the World?

If you answered YES – your spirit will soar as you read these words and discover how your life can transform forever… Hi, my name is Sandy Forster and I’ve transformed my life and thousands of others by using these exact principles.

When I became an accredited Coach, I quickly created a wonderfully fulfilling and successful coaching business by combining the Law of Attraction and neuro-science with masterful practical strategies and prosperity consciousness processes.

I’ve coached people from all around the world helping them to create a life they love and I want to continue to transform as many lives as possible but I simply can’t do it all myself – so in 2008 I founded the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy…

Now I train people from around the world who are motivated and inspired and open to becoming a confident Law of Attraction Internationally Certified Coach. Thousands of Coaches have been through our training, from as young as 18 all the way to 71 years of age. Our training which is accessible world-wide now has Coaches in over 31 countries around the world including Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, Switzerland, France, Denmark, The Netherlands, Ecuador, Singapore, Germany, Thailand, South Africa, Poland, Romania and more!

Doors Closing SOON for
our Last 2024 intake

If your spirit is calling you to be part of this world-wide transformation – coaching others using the Law of Attraction so they to create success in whatever area they desire and in doing so YOU become confident, empowered and achieve your own success – then this is what you’ve been waiting for…

I had been flirting with the idea of becoming a Life Coach for years and was searching for something that would make my heart sing. The second I heard about Sandy’s Inspired Spirit Coach training it was a serendipitous moment and knew this was what I’d been yearning to do.

My first month in coaching, although I was nervous I knew it was my calling and I was grateful I finally made the leap. It’s given me clarification and structure for my coaching business. I gained knowledge and a deeper understanding of the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws.

That first month I made $225… I now have a healthy 6-figure [now multiple 7-figure] coaching practice and it all started with those first few sessions, following the ISCA script word for word.

Denise Duffield-Thomas, Australia

This course has helped me roll so much out… I have my first free webinar next week with an offer of a 4 module course. My Fiji Retreat is just about finalised. My guided meditation and visualization is just about to launch too. Plus my events are expanding outside of my local area. Thank you Sandy for your mentoring, support and guidance.

“9 years ago I was in Fiji about to facilitate my first retreat! Little did I know then that I would go on to create different retreat destinations in Fiji, Bali and Australia. I’ve welcome over 1,000+ women from all over the world and facilitated over 60 sold out retreats. Although this journey was never planned, I found my calling… Retreats”

Belinda Anderson, Australia

Inspired Spirit International Coach Certification Offers the Most Diverse Coach Training, Prosperity Consciousness Raising and Business Success Secrets in ONE Program

We combine Proven Coaching Models you can follow step by step WITH Law of Attraction Principles to create powerful long-lasting change… YOUR life will transform as you go through your training, because in order to coach others you will learn, apply and live the Law of Attraction in your own life as well as transform your money story into a strong prosperity consciousness so you begin to see and experience greater abundance in your own life. All the while being part of an inspiring, empowering, uplifting and supportive group of women from around the world!

Join us for this extraordinary certification and training program and the opportunity of a lifetime to study with other like-minded individuals from across the globe. The Inspired Spirit International Coach Certification program is unlike any other Coach Certification available today. It combines practical proven coaching skills and strategies with leading edge processes, spiritual practices and ancient wisdom passed down through the ages.

Become an Internationally Certified Inspired Spirit Coach if:

  • Your spirit is calling you to do something worthwhile you love on a daily basis
  • You want to be the best YOU possible then take that knowledge into the world to help others do the same
  • You’re ready to break through your blocks and manifest the prosperity you’ve always desired
  • You want to create an additional stream of income (or a thriving business) where you are paid abundantly for helping others achieve their goals and live their dreams
  • You’re looking for ‘done-for-you’ step-by-step systems, proven processes and models that cover all areas of life to can take clients through that are easy, fun and uplifting and get results!
  • You want to be part of a supportive, positive community of like-minded women from around the world

My biggest win was transitioning away from a 25 year career in Digital Marketing implementation to aligning my future toward my passion while growing my coaching business where I support other female entrepreneurs visions for success.

Sara K, U.S.A.


From 60+ Hours a Week in an Awful, Degrading Low Paying Job… to Starting My Unlimited Coaching Business

The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy spoke to my soul and was perfect for me. It was everything I needed to become a great Coach including personal growth and business information – plus all the bonuses – WOW! It has changed my life…
From humble abode – to mansion on the hill; From not even a honeymoon – to a family holiday in the tropics From clutter – to order; From NO self esteem – to I love and accept myself; From victim – to victor; From poverty – to money in the bank!; From limiting beliefs – to I will do whatever it takes;From 60+ hours a week in an awful, degrading low paying job – to starting my unlimited coaching business that fills me with passion and purpose! From nothing to say – to… where do I start? – I LOVE MY LIFE!
I would recommend the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy to anyone who wants to wake up each day filled with joy and passion about the difference they are making in both their own life and the lives of others. People who are READY for the ride of their lives, because through the ISCA your life will be changed for the better, forever!

Wendy A, Australia

My confidence in myself and as a Coach grew as I practiced the materials in my own life. I have manifested my dream car for a fraction of the price, I manifested our house and a location to practice my coaching and have attracted clients to sign up for more coaching sessions.

April N, U.S.A.


I am so glad I joined the ISCA, I love the uplifting and empowering energy of the group and I knowing together we are co-creating a better world, one of enlightened entrepreneurs and awakened individuals. The best things are the supportive community, professional delivery, great structure and amazing, detailed yet simplified content. I had my first paying client within 4 weeks of starting the program and if someone was thinking about joining, I’d s say “Why are you still sitting here listening to me?? Run to your computer and SIGN UP, it will be the best investment you’ll ever make in your life

Helen F, Australia

How You’ll Benefit by Being an Internationally Certified Inspired Spirit Coach:

Once you’ve completed your training and certification you’ll receive Professional Credentials to give you credibility as an Internationally Certified Inspired Spirit Coach. Once you complete your training you’ll gain some amazing benefits such as:

  • Use the Inspired Spirit Certified Coach Logo on your website, business cards etc
  • The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy is recognized as a Continuing Coach Education Provider with the International Coach Federation (ICF) as well as an approved Coach Training Provider through some of the world’s leading professional Coaching Organizations including the International Coaching Association (ICA), International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (IICT), and the World Metaphysical Association

  • Receive ongoing lifetime support through Mastermind Calls with Sandy and her team
  • Receive tens of thousands of dollars of BONUSES for you to study and use in your own life, including many of Sandy’s prosperity and transformational products
  • Proven processes, systems and techniques will give you the ability to confidently move forward as a coach
  • Gain additional support with access to our Private Members Only Facebook community
  • Discover leading-edge step-by-step transformational processes – you can take your clients through (and yourself!) to create an energetic shift for long lasting results
  • As well as becoming a confident Coach, you’ll learn valuable business skills to become a successful entrepreneur when you learn and apply our exclusive Abundance for Coaches – Secrets to a 6 Figure Coaching Business system
  • Be part of the Inspired Spirit Coaching referral network – once you’re certified you can be promoted to Sandy’s database of tens of thousands of people from around the world.

Hear from some of our Certified and trainee Coaches…

I am retiring at the young age of 60… going into full-time coaching, speaking, writing, teaching, more learning and living life to the fullest.

Lori Rempel, Canada

Cathy Domoney, Australia

Before ISCA I was a bartender. I knew I was meant for more but had no idea what. Now I’m a full-time Coach who has fully stepped into her feminine power with a clear mission and goal to make a big impact. I’m so proud of myself for the commitment to see this through. I feel like I’m finally home.

Krystee H, U.S.A.

Confidence to Become an Author

The ISCA has given me the tools and confidence to share my message in my book ‘Happy Mind Formula’. It’s also given me a new confidence and sense of purpose which reflects in the way I feel each and every day.

Tracey, Sunshine Coast, Australia

Am I glad I joined the ISCA? Oh my god, am I glad or what! So very grateful to be a part of this. I started working with paying clients in the first month and if someone asked me what is the best thing about the ISCA I’d say “All of it!” But probably connecting with the amazing like minded people.

Carly Evans, Perth Australia

I ran a prosperity for writers course and had clients double their business, meet a 6-figure money goal, embrace the vision of their future and increase confidence exponentially. Your coaching sessions were a game changer, it helped me gain clarity on my ability to coach and I am infinitely more confident and feel well supported in my coaching practice. I feel limitless.

Jane S, U.S.A.

Listen to what the world’s leading success coach
says about the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy

How Does the Inspired Spirit Coach Certification Program work?

  • 9 Months of Training Modules (either live, video or audio) accessible by phone or internet anywhere in the world at a time that suits you. Each module takes approx. 60 mins to complete. PLUS, if you pay in full you can access the entire training immediately, no waiting for modules to be released weekly.
  • During your training and beyond you’ll have lifetime access to live calls every 2 weeks with Sandy and her team to ensure you understand the material and how to utilize it in your business and life.
  • Modules are taught by Sandy Forster. She’s a multi-award winner business owner and a member of Jack Canfield’s exclusive Transformational Leadership Council alongside the world’s most famous authors, experts and personal empowerment teachers.
  • Sandy’s talent for applying the Law of Attraction combined with proven practical strategies in her own life have seen her go from welfare to millionaire. There truly is no-one better than Sandy to learn from when it comes to sharing Law of Attraction Secrets and money and success strategies
  • Weekly Inspired Notes, Worksheets, Handouts or checklists for each module. Great to refer back and re-enforce your learning.
  • Done-for-you coaching content to use with clients including Handouts, Templates, Exercises, Visualizations, Scripts, Samples and Processes
  • Coaching content materials are ready for you to use & brand as your own
  • A complete Done-For-You 12 session Coaching Program so you feel confident working with paying clients
  • As well as your Coach Training Program, the current Tuition includes live Mastermind Calls, all Bonuses and your own Coach to help you set and achieve your goals. All this is available with lifetime access at no extra charge once certified.
  • Access to the Inspired Spirit Coaches Only Members Area, available 24 hours a day, where you’ll find recommended reading, training modules, forms, checklists, coaches resources, success library, coaching processes, Inspired Notes, bonuses and much more
  • Hone your coaching skills with clients supplied by the ISCA (peer to peer coaching and other clients through promotions)

You can become Internationally Certified as:

The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy is a powerful experience allowing you to become so much more than your ‘average’ Coach. You are taking on a commitment for your own personal transformation and stepping into the best and highest version of yourself. You will be empowered and certified to use these tools and processes to help others achieve their goals and create positive change in their lives. These certifications give you the most comprehensive and well rounded training, skills, tools and support for your clients, which makes you the perfect Coach for them.

You’ll have everything
you need to become a confident Coach and successfully create
your coaching business!

I had retired at age 70 after 55 years of working and realised it was not a good decision. So I took a leap of faith and used my Funeral funds to pay for my future career and joined the ISCA in Feb 2022. When Sandy said “Treat this course like a college degree “ I took it to heart and immersed myself in the program and in just 2 months I had my first paying clients.

My life is now busy and exciting again and I’m working with amazing women helping them make the changes they want in their lives. My business is taking off and my family are delighted I am ‘back’. I’m a role model for older people that it’s never too late. Life begins again at 71. Thank you for making this possible.

Janette Baird, Glasgow, Scotland

I was a part-time hairdresser homeschooling my children and didn’t know if I’d have time for the ISCA training.
I’m so glad I did, the best manifestations for me were manifesting $25,000 and then another $30,000 and being able to buy my first home. To engage the Law of Attraction by following your special process was simply magical!

Melissa Y, Australia

I was a Coach and am still a Coach, but now I’ve expanded into offering services that light me up. I have more abundance now and that makes me feel excited!

Cooper G, U.S.A.

To truly be able to create success in both your coaching business and life, you need to have a holistic approach that embraces and encompasses 5 key areas. Coaching Skills and Confidence, Personal Growth, Business Mastery, Transformational Processes and Creating a Millionaire Mindset. When I discovered these and combined them I was able to build a successful business. Since that discovery, over I’ve made multiple-millions of dollars which have enabled me to live a life I love. These are the same secrets and steps our Coaches learn and focus on to create their own success. Each builds on the next allowing you to grow and flourish as a person and a businesswoman so you’ll see long-lasting change for the better in yourself and your life.

Your Life Will Transform as You Embrace the Wisdom in Your Extensive Coach Training Course:

Are you aware that the Law of Attraction is just ONE of many powerful Universal Laws? In this section you’ll learn 16 of the most powerful laws that rule our entire universe including the Law of Attraction. When you enhance your understanding of these laws and consciously align and harmonize with them, you will be able to affect real and rapid change – and your life and the lives of your clients will totally transform. Discover how to become a true creator by integrating these powerful Spiritual Laws including:

  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Law of Deliberate Creation
  • The Law of Allowing
  • The Law of Abundance
  • And a dozen more powerful Laws which, when combined create magic in your life!
This understanding will enhance your life in ways you cannot begin to imagine. When you consciously tap into these simple, seemingly mystical, yet incredibly powerful Universal Principles, you will be well on your way to creating situations, circumstances and experiences in your life you’ve always desired, but had previously eluded you. You’ll also learn the amazing and mind-altering history and science behind the Law of Attraction which will change the way you see yourself in the world forever and allow you to access the amazing power you have within! You’ll understand how to manifest and create a life you’re truly passionate about. And this will enable you to support your coaching clients as you’re coming from an authentic place of personal empowerment.

Let’s start you at the very beginning of your coaching journey. Discover why NOW is the right time to become a Coach and more importantly a Law of Attraction Coach. In these modules you’ll learn why the world is ready for coaching, what coaching is, how to be a masterful Coach and so much more. During these modules you’ll build a solid foundation of basic coaching skills and will begin to coach others using our powerful Law of Attraction coaching processes. You’ll discover:

  • What is coaching, what it is not and why it’s important
  • Coaching as a career or an added skill for your job or business
  • How The Secret has opened the door for you as a coach
  • Why being a Law of Attraction Coach is the best model for success
  • Becoming a good Coach and how to develop the qualities required
  • Follow our powerful Coaching Models to help client’s journey from where they are to where they want to be
  • Discover a framework for your coaching sessions that you can follow word for word, or enhance with your own personality and skills and flavor
  • How to weave Law of Attraction processes into your sessions for added power
  • Enhance your active listening, powerful questioning and direct communication skills
  • Discover how to use focus, authenticity and awareness in your sessions
  • Transformational goal setting methods
  • How to energetically align your clients to their dreams
  • Supporting clients to live their best life and make positive change
  • What to do before, during and after a coaching session
  • How to seamlessly transition clients into long term coaching
  • Done-For-You Coaching Content – Exercises, Visualizations, Ready-to-go Programs, Agreements, Checklists, Coaching Forms, Transformational Processes, Interactive Worksheets and more – so you hit the ground running with new clients

The thinking that bought you to this exact place at this exact time in your prosperity journey is not what will take you and your business to the next level.By creating my own Million Dollar Mindset, I’ve gone from welfare to millionaire and I know how vital it is that you learn and embrace the beliefs, mindset and thinking of a million dollar entrepreneur. I’ll be sharing all my techniques, ideas and simple but powerful actions which you can use in your own life and business and use when coaching your own clients!

  • Discover the exact amount of money you need to live your dream life
  • Create a month by month plan to achieve your prosperity goals
  • Start to think like a million dollar entrepreneur
  • Transform your relationship with money
  • Break through your money blocks
  • Multiply the prosperity you make
  • Use ancient and cutting edge processes to attract abundance to you
  • Embrace the flow of money, prosperity and success
During these modules you’ll discover what’s been holding you back from the success you deserve and be gently guided through transformative prosperity processes. You will break through your self-imposed limitations, opening you to the highest vision of abundance you hold for yourself. You’ll learn how to use these powerful processes with your clients, and you will change who you are at a cellular level and finally step into the blissfully abundant business of your dreams.

Now your understanding and confidence in your own abilities both as an individual and as a Coach is flourishing, now it’s time to take you and your clients to the next level. Learn a number of life-changing spiritual processes which can break through unconscious beliefs and blockages and allow you to make instant and lasting transformation.
You’ll be trained in over 36 simple but powerful processes – both ancient and cutting edge modalities to effect change in your and your clients lives. You’ll receive powerful subliminal audios to re-program your mind at a subconscious level as well as a complete step-by-step guide to create your own powerful, personal visualizations allow you and your clients to:

  • Release self-sabotage
  • Attract and manifest money
  • Achieve peak performance
  • Create loving relationships
  • Banish self-doubt and procrastination
  • Create a body they love
  • Attract success into their life
  • Create motivation and energy
  • Transform any lack into a prosperity consciousness
  • Create a healthy self-esteem
  • Quickly and clearly identify blocks that are standing in the way of their success, and clear them forever
These advanced transformational coaching techniques allow you to work on a completely different level than other ‘Life Coaches’. You’ll discover how to manage your mind, body and emotional state and coach your clients to achieve their goals and create the change they desire using these powerful transformational processes.

Over 20 years ago I first discovered these hidden truths and since then my life has done a complete turnaround. Real transformation occurs when you begin living these truths, rather than just knowing them… and now, you can live them too!

This is where you truly become what I call a marvelous manifestor. In these modules, you’ll bring all your previous learning and combine them with advanced meditation, visualization and energy processes to become a powerful agent for change. You’ll become aware of your divine self and begin creating from the highest expression of your being. By embracing these processes, you will easily draw to you situations, circumstances and experiences that bring you…

  • Joy and flow
  • Ease and grace
  • Peace and harmony
  • Abundance and prosperity
  • Love and connection
  • Blessings
  • And ALL good things
Using these processes enables your clients to live their best life and become the person they most dream of being. During these modules you will enhance your ability to create your life the way you want it to be and will realise the world offers you limitless opportunities and experiences. You really can BE and DO and HAVE anything your heart desires.

Now you have the skills and confidence as an Inspired Spirit Coach and are stepping into the best version of yourself, it’s time to discover our proven process for business success as a Spiritual Coach. Rather than waste time, energy and money trying to make a profit from coaching, implement the secrets that enable our Coaches to start creating abundance… even before they become certified! You’ll not only learn how to implement this system in your business, my team will also create a website for you to ensure you can start taking on paying clients as soon as you’re ready.
We know the difference this makes to your coaching business and want to ensure your success. As part of these modules you’ll receive some amazing bonuses including your own website, products to attract clients and an audio program to sell, so you can generate instant revenue!
You’ll discover

  • Secrets to Coaching Success – a this step by step system exclusive to ISCA students to ensure you create abundance doing what you’re passionate about!
  • We’ll mastermind with you to help you choose your coaching niche
  • From free to fee – turn potential clients into paying customers using our special ISCA script to turn complimentary consults into paying clients
  • What to charge, and when to raise your fees
  • Creating a Desire Statement for your ideal business
  • What is a marketing message and how to create one
  • Envision your ideal life and build a business around your lifestyle
  • Attracting the perfect clients for your business
  • How to leverage your time and create more abundance through group coaching
  • Winning websites for Coaches… as an ISCA Coach you’ll get one FREE!
  • 25 low and no cost ways to attract your ideal clients
  • How to easily gather success stories and testimonials
  • How to get other people to refer clients to you
  • How to have the ISCA send you clients once you’re certified

If you love working with clients, you’ll discover there’s something magical if you choose to move beyond one on one coaching. You’ll discover why working with groups or holding workshops, creating online courses, writing a book or even holding a retreat can be life-changing for you and those you work with. Many of our Coaches have done all this and more and discovered the secret to leveraging their time, money and impact. You’ll learn many models to grow your reach, transform more lives and make a bigger difference in the world. In these modules you’ll discover:

  • Group Coaching, workshops, online courses and retreats
  • Which model suits your personality and lifestyle
  • How to price your program
  • Whether to offer in person or online
  • Sample outline for weekly Group Coaching Sessions
  • Attracting your ideal participants
  • Authentic promotion of your offerings
  • Expanding your reach and making a bigger impact
As part of these modules, you’ll learn how to create your own products and programs to sell online to leverage your time and money while transforming more lives. These are some of our most popular modules as our Coaches discover the unlimited possibilities for themselves and their business.

During your ISCA program you’ve taken part in learning, applying and integrating so much life-changing knowledge and wisdom. You’ve been reading, listening, coaching and transforming who you are from the inside out. Now it’s time for you and the other trainee Coaches to celebrate! Now it’s time for you to discover specific mindset techniques and create a practical plan which will enable you to build the self-belief and confidence you need to ensure you, your life and your new coaching business flourishes and manifests into the vision of your dreams! You’ll have a one-on-one Mastermind Session with Sandy to create a personalized plan and ensure your vision is flowing, exciting and fills you with passion for the future of your life and coaching business.

When you become an ISCA member, you’ll have ongoing access to our inspiring, empowering and supportive private community with members from all over the world. This is a beautiful safe space where you can share your goals, your fears and your dreams for your coaching business and lifestyle. You’ll have a community of supportive members and together, we’ll celebrate your achievements, learn from your challenges, inspire and encourage you to reach for the stars as an Internationally Certified Law of Attraction Coach. I’m looking forward to welcoming you!

You’ll have lifetime access to your training material inside the member’s area once you’re certified as well as lifetime access to our Private Facebook page where our friendly community is there to coach and support you to success. You’ll be able to connect, ask questions as part of a like-minded gathering of people from all over the globe who only want the best for each other, including you! PLUS our Coaches regularly hold meetups around the world to further deepen connections and friendships and post the details inside our Private Facebook Group. Value: Priceless

Live Mastermind and Q&A Calls For Life
Join other Coaches from around the world and be supported by Sandy and her trainers on these live calls. We want to ensure you understand and apply the modules in a way that best suits you and your lifestyle. Twice a month on these live Mastermind calls you can ask questions related to you, your life, your wants and needs as well as EVERYTHING you’re learning inside the ISCA… money, mindset, coaching, manifesting, Law of Attraction – we cover it all. If you can’t make the live call, simply send your questions in and we’ll make sure they’re answered, then listen to the recording at a time that suits you. During these calls, you’ll also take part in powerful guided visualizations to further enhance your life and help your business flourish. Value: $2400+

When you say YES to the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy you’re saying:

YES to discovering how to be a confident and skilled coach

YES to becoming your best self

YES to transforming your prosperity consciousness

YES to belonging to a community of spiritual goddesses (and enlightened men) from around the world

YES to creating a business you’re passionate about, one that makes difference for others and create abundance for you

YES With 3 certifications in the ONE program, the ISCA is the LAST coaching certification program you will ever need to invest in.

Coaching in an Area I Love

The ISCA has focused me on coaching in an area I love and see how to do that without having a lot of one-on-one clients. It’s also enabled my family to ‘live’ the Law of Attraction for the last eight months which had a huge impact on family relationships – there is so much more harmony.

Jenny D.

I love the spiritual content of the program and the practicality of the course. I love the power and freedom I feel within; the joy and ease of supporting other people. Sandy and the ISCA helped me to rediscover the great person within and have given me back my confidence to do things I didn’t think I could do. From the very depths of my heart thank you very much Sandy for making a difference in my life.

Sandra F., Australia

When I started the ISCA, I had no idea what I would learn (except how to coach) or how I was going to afford it. However, an amazing thing happened. Yes, I learned how to coach, but what I didn’t realise was all the other things I would learn that would make the coaching experience so much better for me and my client. The techniques you shared made it possible to manifest the money each month and I’ve never had to worry about whether or not I could afford it. My life has changed beyond measure. Before the course I felt a failure around my peers who had successful businesses and jobs. Now I count myself as equal and this has given me a huge confidence boost. I cant thank you enough for all that you taught me, but also for that sense of self-worth.
It’s priceless.

Yvonne S, UK

The ISCA has changed my life completely and I know exactly where I want to be. It’s a complete program that not only enables me to have my own business but also changes me from the inside out – it’s amazing value.

Pamela C., Australia

Limited Places – Secure your Place NOW!

Say YES today and receive the following BONUS package

Total Value of all BONUSES
OVER $21,800
Yours FREE if you join us NOW

**Bonuses may be removed or changed at any time. When you join, you will receive bonuses displayed on this page at that time**

Millionaire Mindset

Immediately upon registering for the ISCA you’ll have access to this powerful program. Discover my insider secrets to attracting and manifesting prosperity and abundance in these 12 audio modules. You’ll learn my secrets to becoming a money magnet and begin creating your own Money miracles. These secrets allowed me to go from welfare to millionaire and I know the difference they will make in YOUR life! As part of this package, you’ll get my bestseller How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST as well as the Companion Workbook which you’ll be able to download instantly along with 14 money magnetizing audios – the Millionaire Mindset program includes:

  • How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST book
  • Companion Workbook
  • How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST Audio book
  • 12 Deep-dive Millionaire Mindset sessions
  • Millionaire Visualization
  • Affirmations for Abundance

You’ll have instant access to this bonus and be able to listen to it over and over so you truly understand and live these prosperity principles at a cellular level. (Value: $797)

Body, Mind and Spirit Bliss; Preparing for Your Success

Creating success as a Coach is first about changing who you are now into the person you need to be to become a confident and successful Coach.

Now is the time for laying the foundation for success. It’s less about cramming more information in, instead, it’s about releasing, dissolving, letting go and creating space for your success. Rather than pouring more into an already full container, it’s about making space for what’s really important by setting free what isn’t and opening yourself up to the possibilities and the opportunities that the Universe has in store for you. This special program is about stepping into your divine feminine essence and fully embracing the creative power you already have inside you, so you can become the person you are truly meant to be to step out into the world and make a difference to those you are meant to serve. You’ll discover how to Make Space, Raise Your Vibration, Design Your Life and Create Your Millionaire Lifestyle. This program is one you will want to revisit over and over as it continues to support you to grow into the best version of yourself. (Value: $497)

5 Copies of How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST

Have your own copy of Sandy’s international award-winning bestseller to put on your bookshelf… sell the rest and keep ALL the money (great for instant cash flow). Plus you’ll learn our special strategy to use the book to attract new clients to you. These 5 copies of the original edition will be shipped to your door. (Value: $100 – yours to sell)

Transformational Subliminal Audios

To ensure you and your clients create real, long lasting change, you’ll receive our new range of Subliminal Audios – exclusive to our ISCA Coaches and not available anywhere else in the world. They will allow you and your clients to experience transformational and long lasting change in all areas of your life including:

  • Manifesting Prosperity
  • Creating health and vitality
  • Attracting Your Ideal relationship
  • Achieving Goals and Creating Success
  • Daily Joy and Happiness
  • Inspired Weight loss
  • Boosting Self esteem
  • Divine Manifesting
These life-changing audios include vibrational music, guided visualizations, scientific brain entrainment sounds and affirmations and work their magic to transform your beliefs at a subconscious and cellular level. Once you transform who you are on the inside, transformation on the outside occurs easily and effortlessly. You’ll be able to offer these to clients for instant revenue (we teach you how to use them to encourage clients to sign up to your high end coaching packages!). (Value: Priceless)

12 Week Done-for-you Coaching Session

You’ll easily turn prospective clients into long-term coaching clients and keep your income flowing and growing through our exclusive 12 sessions Inspired To Success Coaching Session. This ‘done for you’ coaching program allows you to build long-term supportive relationships with your clients while allowing them to create profound and change in their life. You’ll receive this powerful coaching program with sessions completely prepared and written for you in advance. Just follow step-by-step each week to help your clients identify their goals, become inspired, stay focused, take action, break through self-sabotage and attract success session by session, creating change in every area of life. You can easily guide your clients step by step to create a life they love in all areas:

  • Fun and Enjoyment
  • Health and Vitality
  • Prosperity and Success
  • Spouse/Love Life
  • Personal Development
  • Business and Career
  • Quality of Life
  • Creating Success
  • Friends and family
  • Making a Difference
You’ll be able to coach your clients to success with greater ease than ever before AND create long-term coaching relationships to ensure your business is profitable, fun and easy. The Inspired to Success Coaching Program is taught exclusively through the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy and you won’t find this coaching program available anywhere else in the world! This program allows ‘beginner Coaches’ to have easy to follow but powerful sessions to guide their clients through – taking the pressure off and allowing our new Coaches to easily gain the skills and experience to become a confident Coach.

Plus you can use these exact sessions and turn it into an online course, allowing you to leverage your time and money. And then offer higher priced 1-on-1 sessions for those wanting more support. A great way to build your coaching practice. (Value: $1795)

Your Own Coaching Website and Product

A website could cost you thousands but as an ISCA Coach you’ll have your own basic site, where potential clients can find out more about you, what you offer and book their coaching sessions with you. We know how important it is for you to build your customer list and attract potential coaching clients as soon as possible and we make it super simple by giving you a product you can use as your ‘freebie offer’ to attract clients. Plus we’ll give you a product you can re-package as your own to sell to clients for instant cash-flow. You’ll save a ton of time with this ‘done-for-you’ service. You can use this basic brochure site as is, or you can personalize it as much as you want. When you’re ready to get your site set up, there is a small $90 processing fee (Value: $1997)

Group Coaching Success Secrets

Group coaching is the secret to leveraging your time and money. As a coach who implements this model, you can grow your business and income to 6+ figures by allowing you to make more money in less time, while making a bigger difference to the world. This 4 part Masterclass will get you started fast! (Valued at $795)

Personalized Coaching

Imagine being consistently coached so you actually achieve your dreams and goals! As a member of the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy you will be coached for FREE. That’s right, inside the ISCA you’ll have the ability to choose your own Coach to work with and be supported toward your dreams for as long as you desire. This type of coaching would typically cost thousands of dollars if you were to hire your own Coach. However not only will you become an Internationally Certified Coach, but you will experience the power of coaching first hand as you connect one-on-one with your Coach weekly, every 2 weeks or monthly, whatever suits your circumstances. You’ll reach your own goals so much faster with the support, guidance and accountability our Coaches offer. Plus, this is available not only while you’re in training, but long after you’re certified. You have access to a Coach for free, for as long as you are part of our community! (Value: $10,000+)

Business Success Support

Embarking on a new venture can be both exciting and daunting. So to help you create the success you desire, we give you lifetime support, training and tools to help you prosper in your coaching business. You have peace of mind knowing you will be fully supported while starting, growing, and then expanding your coaching business. Whether you’ve never had a business before, just want to start slow or you’re ready to create a wildly successful empire, our mission is to support you to create a business that aligns with your passion and allows you to transform as many lives as you can. PLUS, as well practical business skills and tips, you’ll discover how to use the Law of Attraction and neuro-science to help your business flourish. You’ll learn how to be in the flow and have your business align with your goals and lifestyle so you’re not only creating an income, you’re having fun. (Value: Priceless)

*NEW* Done-for-you Social Media Content

Your own Social Media Calendar for an entire year, filled with 52 weeks worth of content ideas to make you stand out on social media and place you in front of your ideal coaching clients. You’ll also receive beautifully designed graphics and text posts to attract the perfect people to you and your business. This done-for-you content will save you so much time and energy having everything you need divinely created to showcase your coaching business to the world. (Value $2200)

One-on-one Mentoring Session

There’s nothing like having an expert focus solely on you and your business. You’ll have a One-on-one Mentoring Session with Sandy once certified and together you’ll create a personalized plan and ensure your vision is flowing, exciting and fills you with passion for the future of your life and coaching business. (Value: $997)


If you choose the pay in full option you can request to have the entire program unlocked immediately and early access to your bonuses. Instead of taking 9 months to become certified, you can dive into the material and complete your certification as quickly as you want. Great for people who have some time in their schedule or who simply want to graduate and become a Certified Coach much sooner.
(Value: Priceless)

Create Your Own Guided Visualizations and Meditations

Creating Guided Visualizations or Meditations for yourself and your clients can allow you to become more ‘attractive’ to your hearts desires and allow you and your clients to manifest so much quicker. Learn my step-by-step process on how to create your own guided visualizations and meditations.

You’ll discover:

  • How to create a personalized script
  • How to record your audio
  • Where to get background music
  • How to take your audios to the next level (subliminals and binaural beats)
  • How to get someone else to put it all together for you
  • How to price your audios and so much more
You’ll discover how to turn your audios into both digital or physical products so you can sell from your website or at live events. This bonus adds amazing value to your clients and additional profits to your business. (Value: $297)

Millionaire Success Secrets for Women

Get the audios of the best mindset, business and inspirational event ever! Listen and learn about starting a business, growing a business and expanding your mindset and stepping into the best and most abundant version of yourself.

Listen as millionaire mentors share their secrets so you can shortcut your path to freedom and success. (Valued at $997)

Done-for-you Success Secrets Workshop

A complete done-for-you ready to present workshop.

That’s right, you’ll receive everything you need to hold your own Success Secrets Workshops, including Facilitator Guidebook, slide presentation, Participant Workbook, guided visualization audio and script, feedback forms and so much more, so you can hold your first workshop as soon as you want!

Imagine holding small (or large) workshops, connecting with others and having so much fun as you help them create an exciting vision for their life…

How would you like to impact more people during a small workshop with the potential to make more in one day (or even a couple of hours) than most people make in a week?

You can hold these events live in person or virtually, or turn it into an online course! The options are endless.

It’s the PERFECT addition to your business and a wonderful way to attract your ideal coaching clients as participants are often eager to continue to be coached and supported by you. You’ll quickly grow your coaching business while making a difference in others lives – it doesn’t get any better than that! (Value: $1997)

6 Figure Coaching Success Secrets
You’ll have access to this powerful 7 module program which will enable to take your coaching business to a whole new level. You’ll have lifetime access to this advanced business building program so you can continue to refer back to it over and over as your coaching biz and prosperity flourishes.

A One-on-One Success Session with Sandy
You can have this special session over Zoom anytime during the first 6 months of your training. During your time together, Sandy will help you to get clear on your path to prosperity as a Coach…

Determine what niche suits you, what type of business model will work for your personality and style; How to reach the largest amount of clients in the shortest amount of time, and what products, programs, or services you should offer that will allow you to create the income and lifestyle you personally desire. (Value: $1000)

Total Value of all BONUSES
OVER $21,800
Yours FREE if you join us NOW

**Bonuses may be removed or changed at any time. When you join, you will receive bonuses displayed on this page at that time**

I was searching for a program to teach me how to start coaching and build my confidence. With the ISCA I got a lot more and it is just the beginning. I actually started coaching others in the 2nd week, I would never have been able to do this on my own. Now I am ready to transition out of my financial practice and sell it to start my coaching practice. This is best investment I have made and I have spent lots of money on my personal development.

Chantal S., Canada

Joining the ISCA is absolutely without a doubt the best choice I have ever made. I’ve come from a hopeless situation to such a positive inspiring journey which has given me my life back with enormous hope and joy. From nearly losing everything to a new world opening, I honestly feel re-born. The best thing is not only is the program amazing and so exciting and well structured, but the huge support in all areas. For me personally the beautiful amazing people I am having the pleasure of connecting with is a true blessing and so enriching and encouraging along this special journey! I am in heaven thank you UNIVERSE for attracting all these wonderful people into my life! My husband and I were on the very brink of losing everything but this course and where it has put me on a metaphysically, physically and emotionally words cannot describe – it has saved my life and my marriage!.

Lauren K., Australia

I have met amazing people and done amazing things as a result of joining the ISCA. Thank you for pushing us to coach and for providing us with lots of tools! The course content is amazing!

Thalia T., Australia

The ISCA is the best well rounded coaching course that exists!! It covers not only the actual coaching process but the spiritual and self-growth aspects and the business and marketing aspects. Am I glad I joined? Absolutely!!! No question about it!

Eva C., Australia

Join Today – Limited Places!

What Happens Once I Join The Inspired Spirit Certification Program?

Get Access to Your Foundation Modules NOW:

Divine Money Manifesting course & Body, Mind, Spirit Bliss; Preparing for Your Success

As soon as you register, you’ll have instant access to the Coaches Only Members area where you can begin to explore your Foundation material:

As soon as you register, you’ll have instant access to your Millionaire Mindset bonus and your Foundation material… this is your opportunity to be prepared mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to create the coaching business of your dreams and a life you truly love…


You can start these two powerful programs today!

Millionaire Mindset will begin to transform the way you think about abundance and allow you to become more magnetic to money immediately. This will enable you to be ready and open to creating a successful coaching business and will enhance the prosperity in your life and offer you the freedom that creates.

You’ll also have access to Body, Mind, Spirit Bliss; Preparing for Your Success – which will enable you to simplify your life, let go of what’s not serving you and make room for creating true success in every area. Sometimes trying to cram more into your schedule actually repels the success you’re seeking. Discover how easy it is to prepare for your success by simplifying so you get into the flow and the success you are seeking is attracted to you!

AND if you pay in full, you’ll have the added bonus of being able to have the entire Coach Certification training immediately so you can begin your coaching journey as soon as you want and go through it as quickly as you like!

Doors Closing SOON for
our Last 2024 intake

Your Foundation Modules are available now for you to prepare yourself for your transformation through the ISCA certification program. Once the program commences in September 2024, Modules are released each Monday ….. (or the entire program released immediately if you pay in full). You’ll also be invited to join us LIVE every 2 weeks alongside all the other Coaches from around the world on a live Q & A call so you can ask questions and mastermind, to ensure you understand the material and are moving forward. All calls are recorded and available immediately in the members area if you’re unable to attend the live sessions – PLUS you can send your questions in prior to the call if you can’t make it. Remember… if you pay in full you also have access to the ENTIRE program immediately to go through as quickly as you like!

What is my investment to become
an Inspired Spirit Coach?

You could pay anything from $25,000 to over $100,000 for training to build your own business doing anything from lawn mowing to oven cleaning (yuk!) or even more for a college degree. We honestly believe the training, skills, support, products and personal and business transformation you’ll receive during the Inspired Spirit Coaching Certification Program is priceless.

My Business Advisors put a value on what you’ll receive during your time with us (including your coach training, business training, ongoing support and bundle of bonus products delivered to your door) at over $27,900 but there is no way I would charge you that – I want you to help me transform the world!

My desire is for you to have your own business, doing something you’re passionate about, transforming the planet and having fun on a day to day basis… so for a limited time I’m offering this exceptional training at an affordable rate.

But be quick – limited places!

Will YOU Become One of the Worlds Exclusive Certified Inspired Spirit Coaches This Year?

This unique training is available to those who feel their spirit calling to make a difference in the world and in their own life. Limited places available, if you feel a stirring in your soul, then secure your place now.

“I’m Ready to Be An Internationally Certified Coach, Transform My Prosperity Consciousness and Create a Life I Love”

  • I understand I will have access to Training Modules each month (or instant access to the entire program if I pay in full) for 9 months of life-changing coach training, personal empowerment sessions and business training which will allow me to transform my life and the lives of others
  • I have LIFETIME access to live Mastermind Calls, business training, and mentoring which allow me to interact with my trainers, connect with other Coaches and receive ongoing support through my training and beyond as I continue grow my coaching business
  • I understand what I put into the program I will get out, so I am committed to participating in the entire program, completing all course material and applying the information and processes in my own life
  • I understand that as soon as I register, I’ll have access to my Foundation Modules: Body, Mind, Spirit Bliss , as well as the Millionaire Mindset Program, which will prepare me to create even greater success in my life
  • I understand if I register today I will have a bundle of bonuses including my own coaching website and product to sell, the Group Coaching Success Secrets program, subliminal audios and Sandy’s advanced business programs – all of which will enable me to transform my life and the lives of the people I coach. I will also have Sandy’s bestselling books shipped to me. The total value of all these bonuses, books etc. are valued at over $21,800
  • I understand that once certified, I can apply to be promoted to Sandy’s database and when people sign up to become clients I get to keep all the money
  • I understand I will have 24/7 access to the Coaches Only Area where I can find the Coaches private Facebook page, archived lessons, bonus sessions, coaching resources, weekly Inspired Notes, complete done-for-you content, meditations and visualizations to use with clients and more
  • I understand I can be personally coached during my training and for a lifetime (as long as I am part of the ISCA community) at no charge, so I can experience coaching for myself and continue to set and achieve my own goals and fulfill my highest potential.
  • I understand I have access to an ISCA Leader who is there to support me and ensure I understand everything I learn so I apply it in my own life, and become a confident coach
  • I understand if I pay in full I can have the entire program unlocked and go through it as quickly as I like
  • I understand there are limited places in this program and I am committed to completing my training

I’m ready to transform myself and my life over the next year – I’m excited, ready and saying YES to becoming an Internationally Certified Law of Attraction Coach!

INSTANT Access to Foundation and
Millionaire Mindset bonuses,
and Module 1 of my Training

MORE people need to work from home
and have the skills to help others…
So Secure Your Place NOW!

Doors CLOSE on our last 2024 Intake in…

Training Commences





All pricing in USD

Have instant access to TWO of your bonuses

Divine Money Manifesting course
Body, Mind, Spirit Bliss;
Preparing for Your Success

Limited Places – Register Now!

If you’d love a quick chat to find out if being a Coach is right for you, or have more questions about the program simply jump onto our Calendar below

and we can arrange a time to connect. Or alternatively you can phone us. To register over the phone, please contact our friendly team on Phone or Text from Australia: 0475-833-917, Phone from other countries: +61-475-833-917 b.h. or email and we can phone or email you to arrange payment or to answer any questions you have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please note: As an ISCA Coach, you’ll learn everything you need to create a successful and fulfilling coaching business although results vary depending on the time and effort you personally put in. However we believe we offer the most comprehensive coach training and business program in the world and confidently stand behind your success. You’ll have access to our Abundance For Coaches program which walks you step by step through exactly what you can do each month to ensure your success within 12 months of starting your ISCA certification (and know that many of our Coaches are working with paying clients long before they complete their certification) Be part of this exciting world wide opportunity, here’s your chance to join me and tap into the information, tools, strategies, connections, resources, training and secrets that have taken me from welfare to Wildly Wealthy Woman and loving what I do each and every day! I am so looking forward to you joining our happy ISCA coaching family so YOU can create more fun, happiness and success in your personal AND business life – starting today! Still have questions – simply email or phone Australia Phone or Text from Australia: 0475-833-917, Phone from other countries: +61-475-833-917 and one of our friendly team will gladly help you.Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy Director

2019 – Australian Top 10 Women Entrepreneurs
Winner – 2019 Body, Mind, Spirit Book Awards of Europe
Member – 2014 Transformational Leadership Council
Winner – 2012 Bronze Award Mentor or Coach of the Year – New York
Winner – 2012 Bronze Award Female Entrepreneur of the Year – New York
Winner – 2010 Best Overall Company of the Year – New York
Finalist – 2010 Entrepreneur of the Year – New York
Winner – 2010 Business of the Year – Australia
Finalist – 2010 Excellence in Business – Australia
Finalist – 2009 Women Helping Women – New York
Winner – 2008 Mentor of the Year – New York
Finalist – 2008 Marketing and Communications Awards – Australia
Finalist – 2008 Overall Business of the Year – New York
Finalist – 2007 Business Woman of the Year – New York
Winner – 2005 Australian Micro Business Award – Australia
International Prosperity and Success Coach

P.S If you’re ready to become the best YOU possible and make a wonderful income coaching others, then this is the program you’ve been waiting for. Secure your place in this powerful training now!
P.P.S. Don’t wait, this program fills quickly – make this the year YOU follow your heart and create a life and business you LOVE!
P.P.P.S. As an added bonus – this program could be 100% tax deductible for you (don’t take our word for it though – please check with your accountant or financial adviser on your own situation).
P.P.P.P.S. – if you have any questions whatsoever, please email info @ or call Phone or Text from Australia: 0475-833-917, Phone from other countries: +61-475-833-917.

Worth every dollar and so much more! In my heart I never doubted my desire in becoming a Coach but my head was unsure as I had to come to terms with investing money into this business. However I listened to my heart and soon realised how silly I was even thinking this way. The value of my investment to become an Inspired Spirit Coach has been worth every dollar and so much more. I cannot even put a dollar amount to the support and knowledge I have been given. There is nothing in the world more valuable than my incredible coaching business I have created and more importantly the personal transformation I undertook in completing the course. The world has never looked the same. I have been given the tools and tips and knowledge to be able to transform their lives by helping them just to think differently. Sometimes I feel like I have been given this incredible Secret to life happiness guide book and all I want to do is share it with as many people as I can. My Inspired Spirit Coaching business is my life and my work, the two have combined into one and I just want to do it forever. I feel so excited that I know one day I will be remembered as someone who added value to others lives and I made the world a better place by helping others create the success and the life they desired. Training with the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy has been an incredible journey. I put everything into place and attracted incredible clients and I know that the sky is the limit!!!

Kylie B., Australia

From 60 + hrs per Week in an Awful, Degrading Job with Low Pay To Starting My Own Unlimited Coaching Business That Fills Me With Passion and Purpose! I discovered coaching a few years ago and I knew it was what I wanted. I made a mind movie about becoming a Life Coach, and tried saving the money for the course, but it didn’t come and I started to give up on my dream. When I found out about the ISCA I knew it was PERFECT for me. What I needed to learn personally was there, the lesson delivery via internet and the repayment system, all meant I could do it in my current situation. The way the course was presented, via calls that were recorded (so I could listen when I had time), meant that I would never miss a class. The assurance that I could go at my own pace, meant that no matter how slow I was, it was OK. The information offered was amazing both in content and amount. The complete package meant ALL I needed to know to become a great Life Coach was available to me. Both the personal growth side and the business side. PLUS all the bonuses – WOW Value PLUS! I was REALLY excited. Being able to pay it off, meant that I could start NOW and not have to raise the whole amount up front. I sold things on eBay for the first monthly payment, and started to implement the Law of Attraction for the rest. On the last day to join, the second half of the payment came to me. I had faith. This was what I was meant to do. IT WAS ALL HAPPENING! My dreams were coming true! I knew I would find/ attract the other payments as well. So why Sandy’s course? Because it spoke to my soul. All I knew, but didn’t know I knew, until I reheard it, was there. It connected as soon as I heard it. People talk of light bulbs going off, and flashes of light, well, I cried. It was like I had come home and finally SOMEONE was speaking MY language. A long forgotten one, but one that meant so much to me. To learn ( relearn?) about the Universal Laws and to read Sandy’s Book ‘Wildly Wealthy Fast” was fantastic. Just what I had been looking for. Even though, at the time I had no idea that this information was what my soul was searching for, to fill the void and ease the ache. Once I read it heard it, I knew.

  • What has the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy done for me?
  • (Where do I start? This is a book in itself!)
  • From humble abode – to mansion on the hill.
  • From not even a honeymoon – to family holiday in the tropics.
  • From Clutter – to order.
  • From NO self esteem – to I love and accept myself!
  • From Victim – to Victor!
  • From Poverty – to money in the bank!
  • From limiting beliefs-: to I will do whatever it takes! The Universe will show me the way. The past IS PAST!
  • From 60 + hrs per week in an awful, degrading job with low pay – to starting my unlimited own coaching business, that fills me with passion and purpose!
  • From nothing to say – to where do I start?

I LOVE MY LIFE! THANK YOU Sandy! I would recommend this program to people that have always felt there is more to life, but don’t know what it is. To people who have an overwhelming desire to help others, but are not sure how. To people who want to wake up each day filled with joy and passion about the difference they are making, in both their own lives and the lives of others. People who are READY for the ride of their lives, because if all the learnings are applied, their lives will be changed for the better, forever. As Sandy says ‘if I can do it, anyone can.

Wendy A., Australia

I’d been working to help people grow personally and spiritually for a long time (25+ years) and was needing to increase my income level considerably. I had an intuitive sense that this was the next step for me personally and professionally. The benefits of joining the ISCA have been a far greater awareness of the impact of my thinking on my business, as well as specific business strategies. It was a nice blend of metaphysical and practical strategies at every level of business. The networking and support and encouragement of other Coaches has lead directly to my own Meditation Radio programme each week. I would you recommend the ISCA to anyone who is already working with people but not making sufficient income, or anyone wanting to harmonise metaphysical principles into their business. Doing the ISCA training has helped me develop to a level personally and professionally where I have the confidence to put myself and my work out into the world in a new way.

Jasmine S., New Zealand

I was a trainer/mentor in the real estate industry and while I helped people reach their goals and targets I realized this didn’t necessarily make them happy. By becoming an Inspired Spirit Coach I knew I could help people holistically (from the inside out) which would give them true and lasting joy and happiness – hence my business name: The Joyful Life. The most important aspect from joining the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy has been meeting amazing like-minded people and learning and sharing with each other – including forming business Joint Ventures. I’d recommend the ISCA to anyone who wants to make themselves a better person so they can go out into the world and make a difference.

Bernadette G., New Zealand

When I read the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy’s curriculum I was very excited about the content and felt it was the perfect certification program for me. Working with Sandy and having access to her energy has been great. She absolutely makes me feel like I can create success in my life just as she has been able to do. I like how the training is organized, the coaching models used to guide us, and the training on setting up a profitable coaching business.

Debra B., U.S.A

I joined the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy because of my desire to empower and inspire people to be the best they can be, to create abundance in all areas of theirlife, and to acquire the belief to know that with Universal Laws anything can be. I love networking with other Coaches around the world, the camaraderie is unbelievably empowering. My entire world has changed because of the ISCA. When I think of the person I was when I began the course and the person I am today it takes my breath away. I am so grateful I made the leap and jumped right in.

Chris F., U.S.A

I was a Business Coach and was using universal law in my coaching anyway but was no longer getting the fulfillment I wanted out of Business Coaching so ISCA came along at just the right time for me to make the transition. No regrets!!! The Biggest Benefit of the ISCA is it’s community – I now work with Coaches in AUS and USA. I quickly moved into attracting a new client base. As an experienced Coach I would recommend this training to anyone who is genuinely committed to becoming a Coach as many new Coaches struggle with getting their business started.

Jenny D., New Zealand

I was considering which way to follow my desire to make a difference in others’ lives. I had completed a Cert 1V in Counselling but didn’t continue my career as a counsellor as the processes weren’t as effective as I’d like. I was immediately attracted to having the specific teachings the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy offered and it immediately gave me the confidence and belief that this is the way for me to achieve my goals – confidence that I can successfully make any change in my life with support. There are so many benefits of working with the ISCA… – Fantastic processes to take my clients through to achieve their goals. It’s all done for me and I know it works!! – Accountability. I have achieved so much since working through the processes we’re taught. I am 100% committed to following through with exercises to transform my life – before I would think, “That’s a great exercise I must do.” then put it aside and life would stay the same. My life has already changed in so many ways and I’ll never go back to the old ways. – Better relationships with family, work colleagues and friends. – Letting go of the fear of failure that has held me back. I’d recommend the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy to anyone who would like to make a difference in others’ lives through coaching, while transforming their own lives. Thanks so much Sandy for developing the ISCA Program.

Jude S., Australia

I was unsure about joining the ISCA because I was already a Certified Coach and I was wondering if I would get more information that I did not know and also if it would help me to develop my business. However I’ve really benefited from all the additional tools and the connections and the opoprtunity to do other things. I would recommend the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy to anyone who would like to become a Coach, or improve their life.

Andrea K., Australia

I knew becoming an Inspired Spirit Coach was my calling. When I read Sandy’s book ‘How to Be Wildly Wealthy Fast’ it just blew me away, and the excitement never left me. I could relate to this so well that I knew that I just wanted to share it with the world and what better way than to become an ISCA Coach. The ISCA is just confirmation after comfirmation for me. The benefits of being able to offically/legally help others is something I’m very grateful for and for understanding that we don’t have to be perfect to do anything in our lives.

Debbie J., Australia

I discovered the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy when I was trying to find my purpose and it seemed the right thing for me, I still feel that way. I feel more confident talking my talk. I love that we have a specific steps to follow if we want, to keep us on track, it makes me I feel I know what I’m doing.

Sue D., Australia

I love the fact the ISCA is internet based and people from all over the world can join. There’s so many benefits, including connecting to other Coaches, all the training materials supplied, and the structure to work with. I feel part of a big family and all connect and share our experiences and knowledge. Also, I appreciate that Sandy is always working in the background to bring more value to this ISCA network and its members.

Pari B., United Kingdom

I am convinced coaching with a metaphysical slant is my higher purpose. I was saying the affirmation “when the student is ready the master will come” and along came the ISCA. It was an opportunity to learn from Sandy Forster whom I admire, is one of my Mentors and for me is already in the same category as Wayne dyer, John Gray, Eric Butterworth etc. etc.


The benefits I’ve received include but are not limited to…

  • a) Unbelievable value for money.
  • b) A tried and proven formula to inspire and develop people from all walks of life – just the tool I have been looking for
  • c) Opportunity to learn from a master and other like minded Coaches
  • d) Support and strategies to build a successful coaching business
  • e) Exposure to sophisticated and cost effective marketing concepts
  • f) Resources and materials to enhance my coaching success
  • g) Opportunity to recover the coaching investment through the sale of bonus products provided.
  • h) Networking opportunities with other Coaches and businesses
  • i) Association with a world class organization
  • j) Clients practically handed to me on a platter
  • k) Opportunity to be published alongside famous guru’s in the same field
  • l) Provides tangible strategies to convert my belief system into manifestations
  • m) Renewed passion, enthusiasm and that ‘fire in the belly’ I’ve been missing for a while

I would recommend the ISCA training to anyone who is… wanting to change their life for the better, interested in personal development and building a business that involves helping other people. People who are interested in becoming a Coach or already an experienced Coach or currently managing or supervising people, involved in training of any kind or interested in the metaphysical Why? It’s simple yet powerful, structured yet flexible, valuable yet cost effective but most important it is life changing and very much needed in the world today.

Jessica N., Australia

Ever since I can remember I have loved universal laws and I love observing how they work in my life and in the lives of others. I have been given so much over the years from Universal Laws that it is my responsibility to make a space for other people to choose if this is the way they want to go. Being a ISCA Coach allows me to do that and get abundantly paid at the same time. I have grown into the person I always wanted to be. I am abundantly wealthy within myself, and that is a direct result of working the Universal laws in my daily life. Personally I would recommend the ISCA to anyone who wanted a life changing experience. To me the program is balanced, informative, uplifting and challenging, but it also offers solutions, strategies, and practical ways to make these transformational processes easy to deal with.

Gay C, Australia

I have had success working with both men, women and adolescents, using the ISCA approach. I was attracted to the unique blend of Coaching using visualisations, affirmations, The Universal Laws and the thought of learning specific Life Coach skills. I have found the step-by-step weekly coaching programe immensly valuable and important for me as I can now move clients forward with more confidence in myself and create more value for my clients. I consider the ISCA to be a great personal development tool irrespective of whether or not the desire is to actually coach others.

Collin L , New Zealand

I was unsure about the ISCA because I wasn’t sure I was capable of being a Coach, I had doubts about my abilities. However I just ‘knew’ it was an excellent thing for me to do. The benefits I’ve received through the Aacademy are:

  • (i) Joined a JV with all the other ISCA Coaches & created ISOUL (International Specialists Of Universal Law)
  • (ii) Put the ISCA coaching principles into practice in my own personal life.
  • (iii) Have been able to make some huge adjustments to my life-style, using those principles, and am leading more of the life I want to lead
  • (iv) It has had a huge influence on my son’s life
  • (v) More freedom and less fear
  • (vi) Learnt a lot about marketing which has increased our profit in our present business.

I would recommend the ISCA to anyone in business, or wanting to go into their own business, because it gives sound advice on dealing in the marketplace, where everyone can ‘win’. Also anyone who is a parent, because using these principles can help foster good relationships and create workable solutions where everyone’s needs are met. So that covers almost everyone! One of the things I most enjoyed about the ISCA training was having contact with so many like-minded people. Thank you for making that all possible Sandy.

Karen G., New Zealand


The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy has shown me how to set up a business on a small budget and how to attract the right clients.

Anna G.

The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy Training program will be a constant reminder that everything and anything is truly possible if you truly believe.


Training with the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy has improved my business by letting me offer another layer of assistance to my feng shui clients. Our income has increased and I am happier, calmer and less worried about our financial flow.

Minnie K

The Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy has allowed me to start my business – the marketing training was great. It has given me so many tools to make things flow more easily and given me more self-belief.

Susan C

Before discovering the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy my life was filled with the familiar ~ work hard, pay off your mortgage and then work even harder to secure your retirement and pray you’re healthy enough to enjoy it. 3 years ago I was working hard in various management positions which included a company car, paying off a mortgage and feeling completely empty on the inside. What I REALLY wanted to do was to live simply, only work 3 months a year and spend the rest of the time doing things that had heart and meaning for me. How on earth could I make that shift? I thought only rich people could afford to work that little. Today my life is exactly as I want. I earn $1,200 a day in my business which allows me to work just 60 days a year. The other nine months I spend doing things that have heart and meaning for me spiritually and emotionally. Life is a wonderful adventure and I’m now a deliberate participant. At the end of the day, who could really ask for more?


The ISCA gave me motivation and inspiration to become a better person. Its been very well designed and structured – what you learn in this course is essential in life. It should be taught in our schools.

Juliana C.

I had been looking for ‘something’ I could do to earn amazing money from home (as I have a baby) and for me the decider was the value, the bonuses and the personal guarantee. The ISCA is pushing me way out of my comfort zone but for the first time ever I feel that is a good thing. I love that the curriculum is different and exciting and that there is so much flexibility, accessibility, support and value. Anyone who is thinking about joining the ISCA should just do it! Invest in yourself and use the material to better yourself and your life while creating a career you love!! Why wouldn’t you do it!!

Renee C.

Since joining the ISCA, I’m feeling a lot more confident in myself and my abilities – every area of my life is changing. I am an introvert and haven’t socialized a lot the last 13 years and have been surprised at how far I have come. The best thing about the ISCA is that I can study from home, start practicing early on and have paying clients before course is finished. Having coaching models and scripts to follow makes it easy. It’s easy for anyone to have their own business from home and earn good money all within a short space of time.

Kim H.

The course material and presentation is HUGELY valuable, and I love the energy and support of Sandy and the other coaching students. Authenticity, sincerity, inspiration, healing, nurturing, responsive, proactive – all those things describe the ISCA training. I feel extremely confident about my training when I speak to clients and prospective clients. And being confident in my success is the BEST client conversion tool!

Linda C.

I am very glad I joined the ISCA as I’ve changed. Everyone says I am much calmer, I don’t live in the past anymore, I am always looking to the future. I love mixing with like minded people who want the same as I want. I also have much more confidence about my own self and my growing business. I just love ISCA. I have been coached before but never have I been given so much information. ISCA has such a lot of resources to tap into and so much information for learning about myself and learning how to be a fantastic Coach. I also believe its the best value coaching available online. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in coaching or just want to feel good about their life. There is nothing like this, its such good value for money.

Maggie H.

The ISCA gives me real skills and a qualification to do what I have been doing (but not so well) for years with my enthusiasm and ability to help people follow their dreams. I would say to anyone thinking about joining the ISCA – this will change your life. It helps you to realize your dreams and takes you from existing to living, from fear to love. It gives you skills you can apply to your own life plus make money using these skills to help others. The Academy puts you in touch with a fraternity of spiritually aware people who wish to better their lives and reach their full potential and who offer support and friendship from all over the world.

Nina A.

I love the course content as it’s given me the direction I needed with my business. My clients are absolutely loving the coaching and I’m absolutely loving the challenge.

Cheryl S.

The ISCA is the best thing I’ve done to consistently uplift and transform my life. It’s given me the means to coach and help people who are on the verge of empowering their own lives. I have everything I need to create a successful coaching business from home. Get ready for an abundance of life transforming information and processes to create an empowered life that you will love. Thank you

Michel W., Australia