10 May Welfare to Millionaire – Behind the Curtain
Women around the world are always asking me how I went from welfare to millionaire, how I created success in my business and life… and what were the practical steps I took and what mindset techniques did I use. So this week I thought I’d pull back the curtain and show you the timeline of what I did to create millions of dollars and be able to change so many lives around the world. Of course this is the condensed version but it gives you an idea of how it can work for anyone – including YOU.
I hope it excites you… inspires you… and encourages you to do whatever it takes to live your own dream!
I have a 3 year old daughter and my son is 6 months old when my husband tells me he wants a divorce. I realize I have to turn my hobby (sewing) into a business to support me and my children (not a great idea)
On welfare after closing my (hobby) swim and gym wear business – I love designing and sewing but have no idea how to run a profitable business. End up with $100,000 of debt. NO fun.
I start selling a personal development course based on the Law of Attraction (which fascinates me). I love the course and I’m making great money.
Take my kids to Bali for a holiday – first overseas vacation with them – great fun!
I listen to one of Wayne Dyer’s CDs and later write a letter to telling him how I’ve changed my life and he reads it to people from the stage (and publishes it in one of his books)
The company that supplies the course I’m selling goes bust so I have no product to sell and no income. Back on welfare again.
Hear about this thing called ‘Life Coaching’ and feel called to it even though I don’t know exactly what it is or if I’d be any good at it. I’m $100,000 in debt and on welfare, so I borrow the money to do my coach training (best thing I ever did)
Finished my coach training and wondered how I’d ever get my first client
Start one-on-one coaching with clients (for free because I’m too scared to ask for money)
Create a Desire Statement about my future coaching business and it works like magic!
Dive into the Law of Attraction like never before and am obsessed with visualizations, affirmations and aligning with my desires
Create a Group Coaching program so I can share the Law of Attraction on a teleseminar
Hold a free teleseminar promoting my group coaching program – people love it and pay me $47 for a 4-week program. I’m officially a coach with an income!
Get my first ever website www.ProsperityCoaches.com and feel like I have a real business (even though its the ugliest website ever)
Realize Group Coaching suits me better than one-on-one coaching and my business starts to flourish
Hire Jan, my first ever Virtual Assistant for 4 hours a month
I have my first $10,000 month – can’t believe I can make that much money working for myself
My coaching business is growing and I feel confident I’m finally going to be successful
But I don’t understand the business side of business and feel overwhelmed
I’m so busy ‘doing’ that my self-sabotage kicks in and I slip back into fear and everything falls apart
My income is so up and down I quit charging for my coaching ‘cos I feel like a fraud
I decide I don’t have what it takes to have my own business or to be a coach, and get a job in a men’s clothing store
My accountant knows I’m ‘dazed and confused’ and asks me to join her in a new direct sales venture (promoting a course to her clients) and because it seems better than selling men’s clothes I say yes
Our direct sales business takes off and because I’m using all my Law of Attraction processes our best month is $48,000 – more than I’d made in the last 3 years put together
Wake up one morning with the name Wildly Wealthy Women in my head – I take action immediately and register the domain name even though I have no idea what I’ll do with it.
A few months later I tell my biz. partner about my idea for a women’s mentoring program teaching women practical and mindset techniques to create and attract more prosperity in their life and she loves it
Begin promoting WildlyWealthyWomen.com in Australia through the internet – it’s a MASSIVE success
Wildly Wealthy Women officially starts with over 750 women signed up for the first intake (and make close to $2 million in a few months)
First ever seminar for WWW held in Queensland Australia and 450 women attend – it’s AMAZING!!!!
I’m using all my coaching skills and sharing Law of Attraction secrets and the women love it
Officially become a millionaire – whooohoo!!!
Restart my group coaching teleseminar program and keep expanding and improving it
Use the notes from my group coaching program as the basis for a book and write How to Be Wildly Wealthy FAST
Launch a new site WildlyWealthy.com and start building a business around my book
I do a special promotion and my book becomes a bestseller and I leverage that with heaps of PR
I’m approached by a foreign rights agent and my book is translated into over 10 languages
Wildly Wealthy Women is massively successful and we launch internationally during that time
Win ‘International Mentor of the Year’ – feel like I’m a real business woman!
Trek the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu in Peru with my children – amazing trip
Head to LA to meet Rhonda Byrne – the producer of The Secret
Go to The Tonight Show and chat with Jay Leno
Get my first contract to have my book translated into Chinese, but the Chinese government later bans the book because it’s too empowering
Get filmed for The Secret DVD and start selling it around the world (that’s a BIG story I’ll save for another day!)
Spend a month in Africa on safari with my kids and Mark Victor Hansen (as part of his Inner Circle)
Climb Mt Kilimanjaro and nearly wipe myself out with altitude sickness
Hold a 2 day seminar (first live event by myself in years) called Wildly Wealthy Web Secrets and make over $300,000 profit from one event. I’d forgotten how much I LOVE live events
Hold 1 day workshops on The Secret to Money around Australia and almost 2000 people attend – donate all the profits ($40,000) to Opportunity International to establish Trust Banks so women in 3rd world countries can start their own small business
Start a monthly Mastermind and over 450 join and that adds over $25,000 every month to my income for years
Buy my own private 2 acre oasis just 6 mins from my favorite beach
Fly my daughter to New York from Australia to go shopping (because I promised her I’d buy her some clothes when we became rich) and see ‘Wicked’ on Broadway – LOVED it!
New Idea (one of Australia’s leading women’s magazines) does a story on The Secret, me, Oprah and Nicole Kidman… is this really happening?
Break a record in my business – best MONTH (not best year, best MONTH) is $403,000
Buy 5 houses in 2 months (NOT a good idea, SOOOOO not a good idea)
Hand over the marketing of WildlyWealthyWomen to one of the worlds best marketers (BIG mistake). Paying him around $15,000+ a month and he does a crappy job
Freak out about his crappy results and self-sabotage kicks in (again)
Try to get the business back on track, but feel completely overwhelmed with everything I’m now doing
Want to quit it all and go and live on a deserted island somewhere and never have to think about business again
Luckily I’m persistent and I start to use everything I teach others and my mindset turns around
My biz partner in Wildly Wealthy Women tells me she has too much going on and she needs to let something go, WWW is it.
I ‘temporarily’ close WWW (and it takes me another 7 years to transform and re-launch the program!)
So many women are asking me how they can be a coach, how they can work from home, how they can choose their own hours and their own income, how they can work in the personal development industry….. so I create and launch www.InspiredSpiritCoachingAcademy.com so I can train women around the world to be certified Law of Attraction coaches. The very first intake has over 120 women sign up and they love it.
Win Australian Business of the Year in the national AHBB Awards. AND win Entrepreneur of the Year in the International Awards for Women in Business.
Almost feel I have a ‘real’ business now!
I update the life-changing curriculum for the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy to include even more Law of Attraction processes, coach training, business training and money manifesting secrets – it’s more popular than ever and I’ve had over 1000 people from over 25 countries around the world go through the training to become a Certified Law of Attraction Coach!
Realize start-up problems are not the same as established and growing business problems
I’m finally feeling my business is almost a ‘real business’, but I find myself struggling more than ever as there is so much going on
I don’t have a cohesive team to support me OR the right skills to manage a team – I just want to do the bits I love like creating products and programs and training, teaching and inspiring others to success
I feel like throwing it all in – sometimes your business grows and your team and yourself haven’t caught up so its exhausting
I’m running around in circles and feel like my head is going to explode trying to remember all the pieces to the business and marketing puzzle and who is doing what and if its been done and telling them how to do it and checking everything
While I’ve worked with some great people, I suddenly find myself being let down by (some of) my team members, consultants and so called ‘experts’.
I’m spending copious dollars trying to ‘sort things out’ in my business by hiring people or buying products but more often than not they don’t deliver and I feel like I’m just wasting time and flushing my money down the toilet!
Many times during this time I wanted to close the doors on my business and just walk away
I love what I do, but the actual business side of business is literally driving me crazy and I feel like I’m losing my mind just ‘doing, doing, doing’
Realize my creativity can no longer sustain my business (even though I’ve made close to 10 million dollars) so decide to get serious about turning my business into a REAL business
Set the intention to get systems and processes in place so I have a strong foundation and business can flourish and am excited to see what transpires
Get invited by Jack Canfield to become a member of the Transformational Leadership Council alongside the world’s leaders in the personal development industry. Gratefully accept, but at my first meeting, I feel like I’m the only person in the room that doesn’t really belong and someone is going to walk up to me at any moment and tell me there’s been a mistake, I’m not in the same league as all these super famous and successful people and ask me to leave (didn’t happen, they love me and my message 🙂 )
Go to Mexico and see the pyramids at Chichen Itza and swim in the sacred Mayan underground caves – mind-blowing!
Update my WildlyWealthy.com website (after making NO changes for almost 12 years – can you believe it!)
Hire Jess, an amazingly organized PA who helps me create systems and processes for each task and project in the business and I feel things are falling into place
Document everything I’m doing to share with others who join my programs, so they can just follow my steps and don’t have to waste time, energy and money trying to figure it all out
Create an online Operations Manual for my new team to follow. I don’t have the team yet, ‘cos I’m still in the process of manifesting them through affirmations and visualizations… but I can feel my perfect team are out there waiting for me.
Even though I avoid structure and planning, once I have it all in place I feel lighter and more creative and more magnetic and more powerful. The business can grow as fast (and as HUGE) as I want because we can now leverage every aspect through what we’ve set up. Yay for systems 🙂
Spent the last 4 months of 2015 creating my WildlyWealthyWomen membership platform so it’s completely AMAZING. New graphics, copywriting, format, and dozens of products – so much work and so much time and…
Literally, 30 minutes before the WildlyWealthyWomen.com new and amazingly improved website and membership platform is ready to go live it disappears off the face of the planet with no backups or anything to be found anywhere on any computer or anywhere in cyberspace.
I spend 4 days crying then decide to just start all over again… I am persistent (stubborn??!!) if nothing else
Hire a support team with Rehal as my Project Manager. I finally feel supported and looked after by people who are completely focused on me and my business and actually CARE
I feel I can breathe again
Re-launch WWW as the Wildly Wealthy Women Academy (and its WAYYYYYYY better the second time around!) and include all the BEST products, audios and money manifesting programs I’ve created and used in my own life and biz to make millions. It’s aimed at women entrepreneurs who want to be part of an international community and are ready to re-wire their mind to attract more money and success and who want all my practical business building steps. It’s my BEST stuff ever and women around the world love it.
Backpack around Morocco with my son Dane and finish the trip in Paris in a luxury apartment – love experiencing the raw and the ritzy side of travel.
Both the Wildly Wealthy Women Academy and the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy are changing lives around the world and I continue to add life-changing material to both programs
Promote my Wildly Wealthy Prosperity Pack and all profits will go to help educate girls in Nepal through Room to Read and building libraries. I love making a difference (and reading!)
Early in the year I fly to Nepal with my daughter Danielle and do the trek to Everest Basecamp – get a severe case of altitude sickness with fluid on the lungs and brain and miss the last 2 days of the trek when I get emergency medivac helicoptered off the mountain straight to Kathmandu hospital. Even though I was close to dying it was AMAZING!!!
So liberating to step away from my biz for a month and know the day to day ‘stuff’ is continuing without me having to check in daily – hooray!!
Once I put the strong foundation in place (15 years after I started my business, I’m a slow learner sometimes!), things have taken a quantum leap to the next level.
Now I’m ready to manifest the perfect business coach who can guide me to even greater success, showing me things I don’t even know that I don’t know.
I’m excited to see where the future takes me with the structure to support even greater global expansion and even BIGGER dreams for transforming so many more women’s lives around the world!
…So there you have it – my business timeline. Probably not what you thought it would be 🙂
I want you to see that every business has its ups and downs and it’s not always smooth sailing… however, if you do what you love, and you are persistent, and you work on your MIND as well as your BUSINESS you’ll find the Universe will support you to create abundance for yourself.
The interesting thing I really want you to get is that every time I got SOOO busy with all the ‘doing, doing, doing’ of business and life and didn’t keep my focus on my dreams and desires, those were the times I had the most challenges. AND the times I got so lost in my dreams and desires (trying to hide from the reality of business) and didn’t take action and get things done were also the most challenging. It’s a balance, and when you combine the metaphysical and the practical, THAT’S when the magic happens!!
When I took a step back, made space in my busy life, and once again began living and breathing all the Law of Attraction processes and exercises and secrets I teach others through the Wildly Wealthy Women Academy and the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy that’s when magic happened and I took inspired action and my business and my life flourished again.
So don’t beat yourself up… even Law of Attraction teachers get sucked into ‘life’ and lose their magic touch sometimes. As long as you recognize it quickly and take time to go within, connect to your higher self, ask for help and spend time doing the metaphysical and mindset work, you will be divinely guided to take the right action and magic will happen for you too.
The Universe will support you to success!
And… if you feel called to become the best you possible and create a life you love and a business that is fun, exciting and fulfilling as a certified Law of Attraction Coach, we’re taking registrations now for the Inspired Spirit Coaching Academy
Or if you already have a business or are an entrepreneur (or want to be one) and are looking to take your business, life and prosperity to the next level, take a look at the Wildly Wealthy Women Academy
Because when you set an intention and take practical action magic truly does happen!