24 Apr Sandy vs Everest…

3 years ago today I was in Nepal which is an incredibly beautiful country with breathtaking scenery. But… at exactly this time I was in a Medivac helicopter being evacuated to a hospital in Kathmandu because I was dying. You see, I...

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13 Aug Ebb and Flow of Prosperity

Money is energy like everything in this Universe - it ebbs and flows, it comes and goes. However most people completely freak out when it's ebbing, they stress about it, talk about it, worry about it, and that ultimately stops the flow in. ...

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05 Aug The Difference Between an Affirmation and a Prayer

You can invoke the Law of Attraction with words - words are powerful and magnetic. However people sometimes get stuck with the difference between a prayer and an affirmation, so let me share my thoughts and show you how to make your words attract...

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22 Jul How to Add More Power to Your Affirmations

I recently started doing some short Facebook Lives sharing manifesting tips. Affirmations have always been a powerful part of my manifesting, but I find most people are using them in a 'wimpy' way, and so they get 'wimpy' results. When you infuse life into your...

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